An Exploration of Our Shared Space





Last month, OpenAREA took over the ICA for a boundary blurring night of immersive musical performances underscored by a 4D composition of environmental sound by LOSS / GAIN.

A creative build on the Flock Together ‘Sounds of Nature’ series, we took natural soundscapes and transformed them into something new.

Distorting them with juxtaposing sounds that blurred the sense of time and location, the familiar became unfamiliar.

In this unusual atmosphere, the audience could enter a different headspace, think outside the box and really question what nature meant to them. 

A lineup of the most progressive sound artists in the space, curated by Roxanne Tataei, took the stage and the energy and engagement of the community created a truly unique atmosphere as we collectively embarked on a journey of discovery.

Coby Sey, MA.MOYO, TONE and Roxanne Tataei all delivered incredible solo performances, pushing the boundaries of their personal practices before coming together for an extra special, impromptu group performance. 

This evolution of OpenAREA will see us activate in locations old and new, known and obscure, across music, art, design, architecture and more - a comprehensive exploration of our shared space, always challenging traditional understandings of nature.

Friday Jan 5 2024
Tuesday Nov 28 2023