Last month, OpenAREA took over the ICA for a boundary blurring night of immersive musical performances underscored by a 4D composition of environmental sound by LOSS / GAIN.
A creative build on the Flock Together ‘Sounds of Nature’ series, we took natural soundscapes and transformed them into something new.
Distorting them with juxtaposing sounds that blurred the sense of time and location, the familiar became unfamiliar.
Last month, OpenAREA took over the ICA for a boundary blurring night of immersive musical performances underscored by a 4D composition of environmental sound by LOSS / GAIN.
A creative build on the Flock Together ‘Sounds of Nature’ series, we took natural soundscapes and transformed them into something new.
Distorting them with juxtaposing sounds that blurred the sense of time and location, the familiar became unfamiliar.